Redmi launced 70-inch screen TV  with price around Rs 38,000:Redmi TV has been launched. On Thursday, Xiaomi launched the first Smart TV to the Redmi brand in the Chinese market. The company has already been selling smart TVs under the Mi brand in its domestic market. Xiaomi has currently launched a 70-inch model of Redmi TV. It will be known as Redmi TV 70-inch. It will come with 4K resolution, HDR support, quad-core processor and patchwall interface. In the launch event, the company also launched the latest budget smartphone Redmi Note 8 and Redmi Note 8 Pro of the Redmi brand along with Redmi TV.

Redmi launced 70-inch screen TV  with price around Rs 38,000

 Redmi launced 70-inch screen TV  with price around Rs 38,000

Redmi TV 70-inch price

Xiaomi says that the 70-inch model Redmi TV will be sold in the Chinese market at the moment. Its price is 3,799 Chinese yuan (about 38,000 rupees). At the moment, no information has been given regarding launching it in India. By the way, Mee TV is also sold in India. It is expected that Redmi TV will also be brought here.

Redmi TV 70-inch features, specifications

The Redmi TV has a 70-inch 4K screen, with HDR support. Its design is very simple. The bezels are extremely thin. It also has the facility of Valmount. Redmi TV will run on the company's patchwall platform. It has a quad-core 64 bit Amlogic processor. It has 2 GB RAM and 16 GB storage. Apart from this, Redmi TV supports Dolby Audio and DTS HD.

Connectivity features include dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.2, two USB ports, three HDMI ports and AV input. Voice remot control running on Bluetooth will also be provided by the company.

It will be interesting to see if the company launches its new Redmi TV in India.Redmi TV launched, has a 70 inch 4K HDR display